- The e-book given by the company to the member is not free, for this amount Rs.50 is taken from the member. This amount includes all government tax and office expenses, as well as the expenses incurred on this book.
- For Daily Health Company will cut GST and pay to the government and will work on every transaction with every customer / member as per government rules and guidelines.
- In the future, every effort will be made by the company to run the website well. In the future, if there is any technical problem come of website, software or any other type, then in this case, For Daily Health will not be responsible for any kind.
- For Daily Health teaches all members to work as per the guidance of the company and does not make any misinformation or false promises / statements. If any member or any person makes false information or false promises about the company, the company takes no responsibility in such a situation.
- There are plans to receive advertisements from various companies to view, share, subscribe and grow their customers' business through the For Daily Health Advertising Scheme, however, this affiliate network of members is being built to form a larger team And the revenue of the members is being given from the sale of the e-book. As the marketing of the customers continues, the revenue of affiliate marketing increases.
- If the team members of For Daily Health Company do not perform well as per the rules and guidelines of the company, due to poor performance, the company may be at a loss and due to which the company may be closed at any time and if for any reason If the company closes, all members will receive the outstanding balance within two weeks of closing.
(Note :- The decision to close can be taken only after discussion with all team members)